The 2025 Tiny House Seminar Series
Learn the "How To's" of Tiny Living from the people who have actually lived it or have the expertise to show you the way!
The seminar series is free with admission to The Tiny House Expo at The Fresno Fall Home Show. Not all seminars run each day, so review the schedule to find out what day works best for you.
The information below is from our 2024 Show- We will update this page closer to our 2025 Fall Show!
Friday, November 1st
11:30am Modular: Solving for Speed & Simplicity by Dave Clevenger, Modular is fast, simple, and valuable. Come learn why from the found of PreFab Innovations - California’s leading modular builder.
12:30pm Making Tiny Home Communities A Reality by Genny Crane, Director of Rebuilding Green.
Saturday, November 2nd
11:00am Be Brave…A Tiny Home Journey by Lindsay Wood The Tiny House Lady || Directed by Suraya Keating. In her debut performance housing thought leader, Lindsay Wood, brings her personal journey of rightsizing her American Dream of home ownership to the stage.
12:00pm Investment Opportunities with Tiny Homes by Dan Fitzpatrick, President, Tiny Home Industry Association.
1:00pm Everything Tiny, Q & A’s and Tiny House Course for DIYers by Nick Mosley of California Tiny Homes, Vice President of Tiny House Association.
2:00pm How to have your tiny home evaluated and certified by Alex Ontiveros of Pacific West and Lindsay Woods, The Tiny House Lady.
3:00pm Making Tiny Home Communities A Reality by Genny Crane, Director of Rebuilding Green.
Sunday, November 3rd
11:00am Be Brave…A Tiny Home Journey by Lindsay Wood The Tiny House Lady || Directed by Suraya Keating. In her debut performance housing thought leader, Lindsay Wood, brings her personal journey of rightsizing her American Dream of home ownership to the stage.
12:00pm Making Tiny Home Communities A Reality by Genny Crane, Director of Rebuilding Green.
1:00pm Strategies for Working with your local Municipality to legalize Movable Tiny Homes by Dan Fitzpatrick, President, Tiny Home Industry Association.
2:00pm Everything Tiny, Q & A’s and Tiny House Course for DIYers by Nick Mosley of California Tiny Homes, Vice President of Tiny House Association.
3:00pm How to have your tiny home evaluated and certified by Alex Ontiveros of Pacific West and Lindsay Woods, The Tiny House Lady.
Fall 2024 Seminar Speakers
Nick Mosley of California Tiny Houses
Nick Mosley of California Tiny House- Nick has 15 years of experience in the construction field. He began working for his dad (Pat) at a young age and through the years has learned all phases of construction. He specializes in finished carpentry, space saving solutions, and design. He oversees the design and building of every tiny home. In addition, Nick handles all sales, customer relations and speaking to media outlets. Learn from someone who knows how to downsize into the Tiny Living Lifestyle!
Genny Crane, Director of Rebuilding Green- Genny is on a mission to contribute make-sense solutions to the dire need for obtainable housing throughout the nation. Genny is now the Executive Director of Rebuilding Green (RBG), a 40+ year 501(C)(3) whose vision aligns with Genny’s personal aspirations to house youth, seniors, veterans, and single- parent families experiencing housing insecurity. Genny has helped enhance RBG's mission to advocate legalizing Tiny Homes in backyards and 'Tiny-Home-Zones' as a major solution to California's housing crisis. RBG is also building its own Tiny Home community in San Diego that will ultimately demonstrate the re-branding of trailer parks by utilizing the Tiny Home Movement.
Genny Crane, Director of Rebuilding Green
Dan Fitzpatrick President of The American Tiny house association
Where To Park It: Zoning Issues by Daniel Fitzpatrick- Learn how to work with your local government officials in siting your Tiny Home. The City of Fresno is very "tiny" friendly. Become familiar with the procedures of the City of Fresno for placing a tiny home or movable tiny home in one's backyard as an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Understand the costs associated with buying and placing your tiny home and, for investors, learn about the potential for "return on investment" of a rental tiny house in your backyard.
Dan Fitzpatrick is the President of the American Tiny House Association. In his 45 years as a local government official and private real estate developer/investor, Mr. Fitzpatrick can assist you with understanding the ins and outs of legally placing your tiny house.
"Lindsay Wood, "The Tiny Home Lady" is the CEO of Experience Tiny Homes. Lindsay has been featured in articles by KUSI TV, Good Morning San Diego, Inman Media, Business Insider, Mercury News, Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast, Tiny East Bay Times, and Common Ground, among others.
Lindsay Wood…The tiny home lady!
Lindsay’s Tiny Home journey began in 2017 when she and her husband realized that they had spent north of $100,000 in rent in 7 years. They were paying for someone else's mortgage while dreaming of…Home Ownership, Simplicity, and the Freedom to Move where they wanted to. The traditional path of purchasing a home in the San Francisco Bay Area wasn’t in the books for them. The builder they found at a Tiny Home Event went out of business during the middle of their build and they went from “Done for You” to “Surprise DIY”.
From that experience and working with many other clients, the GO TiNY! Academy was created. We want to increase the number of people that get their questions answered and get the correct guidance to GO TiNY! Lindsay is dedicated to help people follow their dreams of living Tiny, specializing in Tiny Home design, material/appliance selection, and builder analysis. Lindsay is on the board of the Tiny Home Industry Association focused on legalizing Tiny Homes across the US as well as creating new standards for Tiny Homes.
Alex Ontiveros of Pacific West Tiny Homes
How to have your Tiny Home evaluated & certified; by Enrique “Alex” Ontiveros Vice President of Pacific West Tiny Homes, Inc. is a subsidiary of Pacific West Associates, Inc. which is an accredited third party agency that has been recognized in the industry for over 30 years. PWTH is composed of licensed electrical, mechanical, structural and forensic engineers. Our evaluation and certification staff meet the requirements of the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) E-541, which is for agencies engaged in design and system analysis and quality control and assurance analysis. Alex is ready to help you start your certification program today!
Dave Clevenger- founder of PreFab Innovations - California's leading modular builder.
Dave Clevenger is a Visionary Leader, Problem Solver, & Innovative CEO. As a Serial Entrepreneur he has created 10 businesses and is currently leading a nationwide initiative to change the way housing is permitted, built, delivered & powered.
Dave Clevenger founder of preFab innovations