For those with existing business insurance:

The Fresno Fairgrounds requires all of our vendors to carry event insurance during the Home Shows. If you have existing business insurance, send the information below to your insurance company and request a Certificate of Insurance (COI). Most insurance companies will send you an updated COI free of charge. Forward your updated COI to

Spring Fresno Home & Garden Show

Fall Fresno Home Improvement Show

Coverage - General Liability, Worker’s Compensation, Personal Injury, Theft, Property Damage

Additionally Insured:

1). Fresno Home & Garden Show

4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-349

Granite Bay, CA 957746-5936

2). 21st District Agricultural Association, Fresno Fairgrounds

1121 South Chance Avenue

Fresno, CA, 93702

2025 Dates:

Set-up: March 5-6

Event: March 7-9

Tear-down: March 10

Coverage - General Liability, Worker’s Compensation, Personal Injury, Theft, Property Damage

Additionally Insured:

1). Fresno Fall Home Improvement Show

4120 Douglas Blvd. #306-349

Granite Bay, CA 957746-5936

2). 21st District Agricultural Association, Fresno Fairgrounds

1121 South Chance Avenue

Fresno, CA, 93702

2025 Dates:

Set-up: November 6

Event: November 7-9

Tear-down: November 10

For those without business insurance:

The Fresno Fairgrounds requires all of our vendors to carry event insurance. If you do not currently have insurance for your business and you would like to purchase temporary event insurance, RainProtection has offered to create custom policies for our Fresno Home Shows. Please click an image below to purchase temporary event insurance:

Fall Home Improvement Show

Spring Home & Garden Show