Our Art of Landscape Competition is returning for the first time in years to our 2025 Spring Home & Garden Show-CA's largest attended home show! Create a beautiful landscape display at our 39th Annual Spring Show this March 7-9 at The Fresno Fairgrounds and enter to win cash prizes!
1st: $4,000 + award || 2nd: $3,000 || 3rd: $2,000 || 4th: $1,000
15 x 30 Complimentary booth on asphalt under roof line
Thank you to our 2025 CVAL Sponsor
Contact us today to enter to win!
Only FOUR available spots- every participant will win a cash prize!
CVAL will be one of the main features of our $140,000 advertising campaign which includes: TV, Radio, Local Newspapers, Social media, & Google Ads
Each participant will have a write up and logo in the show program AND on our website.
Each participant will have a write up and logo in an email blast to over 100,000 Central Valley homeowners.
Each particpant will have a spotlight ad on Facebook and Instagram!
(800) 897-7899
Drawing/Blueprint of display showing all required elements. Due 1/15/2025.
A minimum of 100 square feet of hardscape
Include boulders and/or rocks (no restrictions); can be natural stone, artificial stone veneer, etc.
At least one “man-made” structure (no restrictions)
A minimum of 150 square feet of plantings (trees and shrubs)
At least one water feature (no restrictions)
Location of displays 1st come, 1st serve. Layout may change pending on number of participants.
This is a blind competition, however, signage will be provided for each display once competition is over for the attendees.
Judges, schedule of set up/tear down, and more detailed information coming soon!
Our 2025 CVAL Judges
Leonard Ichimoto
I became interested in plants at Reedley College in Ornamental Horticulture in 1972. Transferred to Fresno State Plant Science in 1974 as well as working part time in retail nursery industry. Left school 45 years ago to work full time for nurseries. Certificates in landscape design, Identification of Insects, diseases & weeds, Retail Nursery Marketing and Turf Management.
Worked as part of landscaping crews. (Retired) landscape design and consultation. Still available for plant diagnosis or consultations for walk-in customers. (Retired) pruning general trees and shrubs as well as specialty pruning for Japanese maples and fruit trees. Still doing plant workshops, speaking engagements on plant, chemicals, fertilizers, color planting, hanging baskets, etc. for schools and garden clubs.
Hilary Kimber
I have worked in design, construction and maintenance of plant material so that gives me a unique perspective as to what types of plants thrive in various soils, climate conditions and maintenance care.
B.S. Plant Science U.C. Davis; Nurseryman H&E Nursery, Fresno; Landscape Construction & Maintenance commercial and apartments; Arborist, City of Fresno; Park Supervisor I, 300 acre Regional Park, Fresno; maintenance, construction & special events; PS II, manage Tree Crews, Irrigation Crews, Landscape re-construction Crews, set standards for new landscape projects in rights-of-ways, review plans, construction management inspections; Weekly Gardening Column, The Fresno Bee; Instructor for Reedley College, Plant Identification, Pesticides & Arboriculture (extended learning courses); Ca. Certified Nurserywoman/CCN Pro; President Fresno Horticulture Society
Mike Fitzgerald
Mike Fitzgerald is the Owner of Mike’s Evergreen, Inc. of Clovis, California. Mike started the business in 1987 and he received his Landscape Contractor License. Mike is a member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Mike’s Evergreen is a landscape design and build company. Mike has been recognized with various awards. He received the Tree Fresno Cityscape award as the First Place Winner. He was awarded the best Landscape Company in Fresno; he was inducted into the Big Fresno Fair Hall of Fame for his landscape work at the fairgrounds. He was awarded the Western Fairs Association Blue Ribbon Award presented by the Big Fresno Fair. He won 9 consecutive awards by the Central Valley Art of Landscape for his Landscape Designs.