Step #1 Setting Up Your Account
1-A). To begin go to Click on “Create an Account”. If you do not see “Create an Account” widen your screen or click on Menu (shown as three lines on top of each other in pink box in the upper right hand corner) and then click on “Create an Account.”
Example 1-A:
1-B). Register: Type in the email you want to use for your shop. Click “I am a vendor”. Click “Register”.
Example 1-B:
1-C). You will receive an email for verification, hang on to it! In this email you will see your user name, temporary password and a link to verify your email. Please make note of the user and password as they will give you access to your shop. (You will be able to re-create a new password once you are logged in). There is also a link in this email, click on link, this step must happen to be able to login to your account. If you do not receive an email then chances are it got caught in your filter. Check your filter for the email.
1-D). Login using the user and temporary password that was in your email verification.
Example 1-D:
1-E). Once you are logged in, click on “edit password” to create your own password. You can find “edit your password” over to the right.
Example 1-E:
Step #2 Uploading Photos & Information
2-A). To create your shop, click on the pink button “Vendor Dashboard” then click on “Products” in the black column. We know you do not have products, but hang in there we will explain!
Example 2-A
2-B). Click on the pink box at the top to the right that says “Add new product”. This is where you can show Central Valley homeowners what projects, programs and specials your company has to offer. For example, Contractors can upload photos of their before and after photos. (be sure the first photo is of the finished project!). Real Estate Companies can upload photos and descriptions of their listings. Financial and Investment companies can upload photos of previous happy customers and testimonials, etc.
Example 2-B
To upload your photo, click on the words “upload a product cover image”. (square dimensions are best). In the upper left page, click “upload files”. Uploading the photo will take a few seconds. Once uploaded, the photo should have a check mark on it. Then click “set feature image” at bottom right of page. Look at the photo to make sure it isn’t distorted. If so, you will need to hover your cursor over the photo and a big red X will appear. Click on the Red X and this will delete the photo and you can re-upload a photo with different sizing that won’t be distorted. The photos that you last upload will be the photos that will be on the top of your page. So save the best photos or the most popular products for last, so the homeowner will see them first. You can upload several photos for each product. This is where homeowners can see what you have to offer so make sure you upload enough photos and descriptions that truly shows your project/program/specials.
There is a + button below your photo where you can add more photos of the same project/program/offer. This is an option. You will leave the price “0”, this will delete the shopping cart feature in your shop.
Type in the name of the project/program/offer under “Title.”
Select a category you wish your project/program/offer to be listed under.
Tags. This is an option. Type in a word or words that best describe your photos. This will allow customers to find your company when they do a search. For instance if a customer types in “cabinets” in a search, your product and shop will appear.
Write a short description about your project/program/offer. This will show up next to your photo.
Hit “Create Product” to finalize. We recommend to upload at least three different projects/programs/offers to show the consumer all that your company has to offer.
2-C). After you have hit “Create Product” a new window will appear with more options about your project/program/offer. You now have an option to create a longer description! Describe in detail what your product and/or company has to offer. It’s your sales pitch.👍
Example 2-C
2-D). Scroll down to “SEO”. Your shop is not only on our website but is being presented on the internet on it’s own with it’s own url! Click on “Edit Snippet” to type in a description of your shop in the Meta Description Box, this is what will be seen on the internet! You can also add a keyword that will help search engines find your shop on the worldwide web. You can find your company’s url in green lettering.
Example 2-D
2-E). Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Save Product”. You can go back up to “Add a Product” as many times as you want to show the variety of projects you have completed, the programs you offer or the specials you have going on. You can continue to add, subtract and edit your shop at any time.
Step #3 Uploading a Banner Photo and Profile Photo
While watching the video, please disregard comments about products & shipping as you are promoting a service only.….focus on the directions on how to set up store front.
3-A). Scroll further down the black column on the left and click on “settings”. On the 2nd page click on “Store”. This is where you dress up your shop. Don’t skip this step as it has the biggest impact on what your store will look like!
Example 3-A
3-B). A must; Upload a banner photo which will represent your whole shop. This banner photo will be on the top of your page with your product/project photos down below. Photo size 625x300 is best, but a landscape or rectangle photo, (wider than tall) is the photo dimensions you will want to use.
3-C). Add a profile photo! Upload a small logo, photo of product, or your best mug shot. This will give your shop a finished look…otherwise it will be an empty circle with a silouette and you don’t want that.
Example 3-B & 3-C
3-D). Type in your shop or company name.
3-E). What category do you want your company name to listed under? Click to see drop down menu of category options.
3-F). How many projects/programs/offers do you want to show per page?
3-G). You may shut down your shop when you are on vacation! Just type in your message and set dates.
3-H). Biography; this is your space to promote your company. Go for it! Remember a fully executed shop will increase your chances of customers contacting you and making appointments! Contractor’s Must enter their contractor’s license number.
3-I). Check the support button. Change the words on the support button to “Questions? Email Me!” or “Email For An Appointment.” Decide what phrase will work for you. This enables the customer to contact you directly and ask questions about your product or service. You will receive an email notifying you have a message. There will be a link in the email so you can retrieve the message. You can also check your vendor dashboard for messages.
3-J). Click on “Update Settings”
That’s it! Congratulation, you’ve created your shop! 😀
Please preview your shop so you know you are happy with the way it looks. Go to the top of the page and click on “home”. Once on the home page click on the category/photo that you have your store listed under. Find your shop and click on it. If you are not happy with the look of the photos or your descriptions go back to the vendor page by clicking on the “Login”, then click on “Vendor Dashboard” then “Product”. You will see a list of the products you have uploaded, click edit to make the changes you want. If you want to make changes on the look of the store, remember you click on “Settings” in the black column, that will bring up the 2nd page and then click on “Store” to make changes to banner photo, profile photo, etc.
We will also preview your shop and contact you with some suggestions if needed. Once we have loaded up enough shops we will start promoting the Website and choose shops that looks awesome! Then the Central Valley can start shopping, supporting small and local companies and your company can get more visibility and more sales not only at the home show but throughout the year!
Questions? Feel free to contact us at 800-897-7899 or We will be happy to walk you through this process and answer any of your questions!